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Alexis Negrín

45.5043° N, 73.5496° W

we have the pleasure to have a little chat with the actor Antoine Olivier Pilon born on June 23, 1997, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He is an actor and director, known for Mommy (2014), 1:54 (2016) and Junior Majeur (2017) in exclusive for The Pink Prince Online!

TPP: How would you describe yourself to our readers?

AP: Actor, Airbender, Jedi, Hobbit and Wizard

TPP: How important is fashion in your life?

AP: I feel like Fashion is growing in my life, whether it’s my friend giving me advice on what to wear or by seeing all the diversity in Montreal’s streetwear.

TPP: Which Fashion designers are your favourite?

AP: I do not have any yet I can only name 2 I think :P

TPP: Do you think that men have started to take more of an interested in fashion and beauty? What do you think are the reasons for this?

AP: Yes, I do think men have started to take more of an interested in fashion and beauty and I believe that it's because of the larger space we have to create more and be more creative, also because of the massive exchange of information we have these days through social media for example and the need of authenticity that grows in everyone.

TPP: What was your thought process of picking your outfit this morning?

AP: Comfort, plain colours and efficiency.

TPP: Simplistic or Fashionista?

AP: Simplistic.

TPP: Smart or Sport?

AP: Smart.

TPP: Summer or Winter?

AP: Fall

TPP: Last time that you bought clothes?

AP: About 2 weeks ago

TPP: What did you buy?

AP: A beige bomber in a thrift shop

TPP: Favourite item in your wardrobe?

AP: My black cap

TPP: What item of clothing could you not live without?

AP: A hoodie.

TPP: Aqua de toilette or Perfume?

AP: Perfume

TPP: Perfume one was the last one that you used?

AP: Lacoste sport

TPP: When was the last time that you wore a suit?

AP: At Dulcedo’s (my agency) 10th years party.

TPP: If you are buying someone a gift, would it be clothes or accessories?

AP: Accessories. Probably a ring, pendant or a talisman.

TPP: What does the future hold for you?

AP: The best.

TPP: What's the best piece of advice you were ever given?

AP: Its a mantra that is called "Ho’oponopono" that teaches you how to say sorry, say thank you and to love whatever happens in your life.

TPP: Your message to the world in 3 words is?

AP: I only need 2 and its "Spread love” <3

Photographed by Clement Dietz, Coordinated by Helena Milena , Ericka Lessard for Dulcedo Management

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